Nicole The Developer

Thanks for visiting my site! For more information on who I am and what I am all about, explore the site!


I am a current student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte seeking a Bacherlor's degree in Computer Science with a concentration in Web Development.


I have a passion for web development and creating websites that are easy to use and are easy on the eyes.


I wish I could say that I am one of those people who have been doing this there whole life, but I am not. I have only recently discovered my passion for front-end web development and I continue to fall more and more in love with it every day.


I was born and raised in Connecticut but Charlotte, NC has turned me into a southern girl!


I am a builder, a creator, one who likes everything to be done a certain way and will continue to work on something until it is as close to perfect as possible. I stumbled upon this field after taking one course, Introduction to Programming (Java), and realized that I could build, create, and perfect something that people can see and use every day. Seemed like a no-brainer to me.

Some of My Favorite Things

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My Skills

- Intermediate
- Primary software used is Adobe Dreamweaver

- All basic skills

- All basic skills

- All basic skills

- Intermediate
- This includes paper prototyping, wireframing, and digital prototyping using software such as Axure and Balsamiq

Database Management
- Intermediate
- Databases used: Oracle and MySQL

Obejct-Oriented Programming
- All basic skills
- Java
- Software includes NetBeans, JGrasp, Eclipse, Coda, BlueJ

Server-Side Programming
- All basic skills
- PHP, Java Servlets

Shell Scripting
- Intermediate